Aidan and I making a Valentine.

Aidan eating the popsicle art instead of painting with it. It's a good thing it was just food coloring and water. Nothing harmful, just messy!

Aidan and I painting. Oops, I think we got more paint on the floor than we did on the paper. Thank goodness for tiled floors.

Aidan truck painting all my himself.

Daddy helping Aidan with his masterpiece.
Monday night was Messy Art night for Parents as Teachers. We had lots of fun art centers set up for the kids to do. Some of the activities were truck painting, apple stamping, popsicle painting, Valentine art, marble painting, etc. The kids had a great time and were very messy by the time we were through. Since February is dental health month we had the new pediatric dentists in town come to speak about dental health. They were so informative and nice. I can't wait to take Aidan for his first "happy visit." They do this visit for free just to allow children to have a great first experience at the dentist. I am so excited that Ft. Gibson is fortunate enough to have a pediatric dentist. Overall, the night went well and the kids had a wonderful time.
FYI- Parents as Teachers next group meeting will be on March 5, 2009 @ 6:30.