Monday, October 25, 2010

Worst Blogger Award

Let's just say I have taken a blogging hiatus. I have been extremely busy, and just haven't had time to blog. I am going to try my best to start blogging at least once a week for the boys. I love blogging, and I think it is such a fun way to document the happenings of our crazy house! I'm not even going to attempt to play catch up. I'm going to start fresh, and do my very best to make time for it! I know I will be glad that I did one day, and I hope Aidan and Parker will enjoy it too! Here goes nothing!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Half a Year Old!!!

Happy 1/2 birthday to my little P-Man, Park, Parkie! Poor baby you probably won't know your name because I have about a thousand different nicknames for you! Once again I'm posting this a little late! OOPS! Please forgive me. You and your brother are a lot of work! You are doing a lot of the same things that you were doing at 5 months, but you are really sitting alone well now! If I leave the room and you notice you start crying, most of the time you are to busy playing. You also love to pull hair. You absolutely love your jumper, and you are passing toys from one hand to the other. Oh, and I almost forgot you cut your first tooth this month! At your six month check up you weighed 22.8 pounds and were 28.5 inches long. What a big boy you are. You are growing so fast, and I love you more than life! You are such a sweet little boy, and I'm honored to be your mommy! You have a smile that could light up a room, and you are so much fun! I cherish every minute I have with you. Would you please stop growing up!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

5 Months

All I can say to the fact that I am just now posting Parker's 5 month post is better late than never! I have just been extremely busy, and haven't had a lot of time to blog. Here are some of the things you are doing at 5 months.
*rolling over both ways
*sitting with support
*eating baby food
*jabbering all of the time (I think you are going to be my talker. I have no idea where you could get that.) Ha!
*weight 21.5 pounds and 29 inches long. You are a big boy!!!
You are such a happy baby, and I love you so much!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Foods

Parker tried his first food this past week. I started with rice cereal and he hated it. He was actually gagging a little! So I decided to move onto sweet potatoes, and he loved them! I waited a little longer to give him food than I did Aidan. I would've liked to have waited until six months, but he started getting hungrier in between feedings faster than usual so I thought it was time. Almost five months is not so bad. The doctor told us we could start at four, but I just wanted to wait as long as possible! Obviously, by his size he was getting everything he needed without any food! Ha! He is a BIG boy! I try not to be so rigid and by the book with Parker. I believe that if you just watch your baby they will let you know what they need, and he was definitely ready for food. He scarfed it down! At his four month checkup he weighed 19 pounds 4 ounces, and was 25.5 inches long. That is above 95% in weight and 78% in height! James and I always laugh and say he'll probably end up being the smallest kid in his class! I went to the grocery store tonight and stocked up on some more baby food! I think next on the menu is green beans. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because Aidan hated them as a baby. The funny thing is he loves them now! Can't wait to see how it goes! I just love being a mom! Who knew I would ever be excited over green beans!

Poor thing. His neck was way to big for the bib!

Time to clean up! I think he looks like James when he smiles! So cute!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kid's Day Out

James and I decided to put Aidan into a preschool program three days a week at St. Paul in Muskogee. We thought it would be great for him to be around other children for the social interaction. I have to tell you I was very, very nervous! I almost backed out several times! So I put my big girl pants on, and decided to take him. I'm so glad I did! When we dropped him off he didn't shed a tear. He had the best time, and when I picked him up he wasn't ready to leave! I have to admit it did hurt my feelings a little! Honestly, I was so thankful that he adjusted so well! I much rather him be happy when I leave than clinging to me! That would make it so much harder! My little boy is growing up!

On our way! He was so excited!

You can see it didn't take him long to start playing!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Photographer I Am Not!

Here is my attempt to get some pictures of the boys together! Let's just say it is not easy trying to photograph a two year old and a 4 month old! It kind of goes like this, me saying "Aidan sit still," hold onto Parker so that Aidan doesn't knock him out of chair, make sure they are both looking at the camera, oh and did I mention take the picture! Who cares if they smile. I'm just happy if they are both in the picture, and aren't injured when we are finished! Kudos to photographers! I think their job could be as hard as being a teacher, and I don't say that about many professions!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

4 Months

Parker you are 4 months old today! Happy birthday little guy! You are doing lots of new things.
*sitting with support
*rolled over 4 times total now
*cooing a lot
*you have a new and improved high pitched scream
*you like the swing more
*still not liking tummy time to much
*you are grasping and pulling objects, including my hair
* you are starting to put things in your mouth
* you drool all of the time
* you try and pull yourself into a sitting position when you are laying down
* you are extremely stout
* still eat about every 3-4 hours
* go to bed around 10pm and sleep until 7 or 8am
* still take several naps throughout the day
* you love your brother so much. you are always smiling at him.
You are growing up too fast! You are the sweetest baby, and I love you so much!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!

On Monday night we had my parents over for dinner. I made spaghetti and meatballs, green beans and new potatoes, garlic bread, and salad. It was so yum! Aidan was a little pig! We had the best time visiting, and letting them love on the boys! I can't tell you the joy it brings to my heart to watch my parents with my children. I really don't even have words to describe it. As I sat and watched them my body was so full of joy, and tears came to my eyes! I know that sounds ridiculous, but I just love my parents so much and seeing them with my children is so great! In my eyes they are the best! I am so grateful and blessed that they were chosen as my parents! I can only hope that my children love, and respect me the way I do them! It was just a great Monday night, and I wanted to share!

He is Papa's boy!!!

Grandma Margie loving on Parker

I'm pretty sure this was right after Aidan told my dad that "a ha ha hat says vroom, vroom." ha ha hat=tractor

My mom would be a little upset if she knew I posted this picture, but I thought it was sweet!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Make Room For Daddy

Just thought I would most some pictures of James and his boys! He is such a great dad!

Love this picture!

Do you think he looks a little sleep deprived???

Silly boys!

So sweet!

Reading Aidan a bedtime story! His favorite Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
Sweet baby!

Someone Is 3 Months Old!!!

Parker you are 3 months old. You are still just as sweet as ever, and growing up too fast! Some of things you are doing at 3 months:
* you love to play "So Big"
* you laugh and smile all of the time
* when I sing you to sleep at night sometimes you sing back to me (maybe you are secretly telling me to hush)
* you are eating about every 3.5 hours and sleep for a 6 hour period at night!
* you like your swing more than you used to
* you are holding your head very steady
* you rolled over at your 2 month checkup but haven't done it since
* you are not a fan of tummy time at all
I'm sure there is lots more that you can do, but I just can't think right now. I love you so much Parker Lee Noblitt. You are the sweetest little guy. Well, it's a tie between you and the A's man! Love you!

No More Monkeys....

While I was at a bridal shower the other night, Aidan decided he would jump on the bed. Well you know the old adage no more monkeys... Well let's just say my little monkey fell into a box that was on the bed. He hit it right on the corner of his eye, and it looked terrible. Needless to say James called me to come home! We made a trip to the ER to be checked out and make sure that we didn't need a stitch. Everything was fine and no stitches were needed. We are so thankful he is okay. It was very close to his eyeball, and that could have been BAD! The child is two years old and has been to the ER more times than I have in my whole life! He is going to be the death of me! Like father like son!

Friday, January 8, 2010

SHOW US HOW YOU LIVE - New Years Resolutions/Goals

I decided I would try and start doing the Show Us How You Live on Fridays started by Kelly from Kelly's Korner. Love reading her blog. This week is New Year's Resolutions. So here we go...

1. To take time and enjoy every second with my boys. Sometimes I get so caught up on my to do list that I get a little gripy when it doesn't get accomplished. I need to learn to let the kitchen stay a mess, the laundry unfolded, etc. and just focus on more important things. That is so hard for me because I can't stand clutter.

2. To be a better mom/wife. I want to be a more loving wife this year. Sometimes I take for granted how much James does for our family. I am so blessed that he makes it a priority for me to stay home. He is the best father and husband that I could ask for. He loves me in spite of my flaws! I also want to take more time to enjoy my boys. Once again this kind of refers back to number 1. I need to learn to let the small things go every once in awhile!

3. To have a deeper relationship with God. We have definitely not been going to church like we should since Parker's arrival. I guess I could list all of my reasons, but honestly they are just excuses. God has blessed me with so much, and I feel like he tends to get what is left over of me at the end of the day! I really need to work on this. I also want to start doing daily devotionals. James and I used to do a couple's devotional before bed every night. I can so tell the difference in our marriage when we are doing that. We are a lot more patient with one another. We have started the Love Dare several times and haven't finished it. That is my goal this year. I would recommend it for any couple. It's great.

4. To be more healthy. I don't just want to say lose weight. I mean eat healthier, exercise, stop worrying as much, etc. I know lots of other moms will say the same thing that once you have babies your body kind of takes the back seat. You are just so busy taking care of your family! I guess that is the way it should be, but you also need to be healthy as well!

5. To learn to accept things that I cannot change! This is a big one for me. There have been lots of things that have happened in my life or that are happening that I just don't understand! I sometimes question God, and get angry. I am trying to learn that when life gives you lemons make lemonade! I often find myself dwelling on this bible verse: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I hope and pray that I stick to my resolutions! Here's to a new year!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Nutty Professor

He is definitely a nut! That is for sure! He keeps us laughing all the time! He's great!