Friday, December 26, 2008

"Before I Was A Mom"

I was going through some of my old emails today and found the poem "Before I Was a Mom." I started reading and of course the tears started rolling down my face. First of all I can't really remember the time in my life when I didn't have Aidan, and I don't really want to. Our life is so blessed to have him in it. We get so much enjoyment from him, and thank God for him daily. I can honestly say being a Mom to Aidan is a privilege and honor. He is a great baby and I love him more than he will ever know. That is until he has children of his own one day. I finally understand why my parents did the things that they did while I was growing up. I am so blessed to have had such wonderful parents that instilled such great morals and values in me so that I may in return pass them onto Aidan. Hopefully one day he will pass them onto his children. I wanted to share some old pictures of Aidan and I. I also posted the poem below for you to read. It is such a great poem.

Before I was a Mom I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations. Before I was a Mom - I had never been puked on. Pooped on. Chewed on. Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests. Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom - I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

I Love You Aidan!!!

Christmas Day

I think James and I were more excited for Christmas morning this year than Aidan. We had to wake him up at 10:30. I'm sure we won't have many more Christmas mornings like that. This year Aidan got lots of different toys, but his main present from Santa was a kitchen. Yes, I know he's a boy, but he loves to play with the kitchen at school so we thought we would get him one. One day his wife will thank us. He was so cute walking into the living room. When his eyes spotted it, they lit up. It was so much fun watching him. He has been cooking ever since. After we got through opening all of our presents and letting Aidan play for a little while we went to James' family. Aidan got so many toys, but I think his favorite was this little orange car. He didn't want to put it down. He also had fun playing with his cousin Bodie. When we left there we had one more stop to make at my sister Sandra's house. We forced ourselves to eat again, and I had fun talking with my Mom and my sister. After we finally made it home Aidan took a three hour nap so James and I decided to clean out his closet to make room for all of his new toys. We had a wonderful Christmas this year and are very blessed to have such great families!

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Every Christmas Eve we visit with my side of the family at my parent's house. We had a lot of fun, and Aidan got lots of attention. He loved it. His cousin Daylon loves him so much and even offered to babysit for us. Maybe when they both get a little older. After everyone left we stayed and helped my parents do a few things to get ready for Christmas day. My Mom was making baked potato soup to take to my sister's house and she hinted that she hated to peel potatoes. So, my husband being the nice guy that he is offered to do it for her. We didn't end up leaving until after 11:00. We had big plans to go home and leave Santa cookies and milk, but Aidan crashed as soon as we put him in the car. Sorry Santa maybe you will get some next year. I have posted just a few of the many pictures that were taken.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Squatter

Aidan has had a terrible diaper rash since the doctor put him on an antibiotic. So today when we were changing his diaper I got the bright idea to let him run around without one on for a little while to let his bottom air out. Aidan loves to run around without any clothes on. James said, "Kristie I don't really think that's a good idea." Seeing as I am very stubborn, I didn't listen. So, we walk out of the room for a minute and I walk back in to find Aidan squatting with a huge grin on his face. I asked him what he was doing and he ran off laughing. As he started to take off I found the present that he had left for me on his bedroom floor. It was hilarious and James loved being able to say I told you so. He would keep squatting and acting like he was pooping again because we made the mistake of laughing at him. He loves it when he makes us laugh, and if you know me very well it doesn't take a whole lot to get me tickled. We quickly put his diaper back on him before he could do anymore damage. I will spare you all the pictures. I didn't figure you would want to see.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dr. Round 2

I decided to take Aidan back to the Doctor today because he was still running a temperature and was more congested than he was on Tuesday. Dr. Cole listened to his chest and decided to do a chest x-ray to make sure he wasn't developing pneumonia. They did the x-ray and Aidan was not a happy camper. It did show what they thought to be a little fluid on one part of his lung. Dr. Cole wasn't sure if it was really pneumonia or if Aidan had just moved to much during the x-ray and they didn't get a clear picture. So he decided to treat him with an antibiotic just to be on the safe side. He already seems to be feeling so much better. Hopefully he will be well before Santa comes!

Mr. Mom

James stayed home with Aidan on Wednesday because he was still feeling terrible and I had some personal visits for school to do. James enjoyed the time with Aidan, and I'm sure Aidan loved being home with Dad. Eventhough Aidan didn't feel well they still had lots of fun. When I pulled up in the driveway Aidan was standing at the window looking out. When he saw me his face lit up. I love it when he is so excited to see me. It makes my day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Sick Little Boy

Aidan woke up from his nap yesterday and felt warm. I took his temperature and it was almost 100. I gave him so Motrin and he felt much better until it wore off. So I knew he had probably contracted one of the many viruses that have been going around. I woke up every 3 hours or so to check on him and the highest his fever got was 102.4. So I decided to take him to the doctor today. One of the main reasons I took him is because his breath smelled terrible and I know that is a sign of strep throat. When Aidan and I got to the doctor they decided to do a strep test. I was afraid that they might want to do on. Boy was that an experience. He gagged and kept sticking his tongue to the roof of his mouth, but they finally were able to swab his throat. When they got done we all started busting up laughing because he just got so mad. I felt a little bad for laughing but it made me feel better that the nurses laughed first. Don't get me wrong I felt really sorry for him, but he does the funniest things. If he doesn't want to do something he is not going to do it without a fight. The test came back negative and they said he just has a virus that is going around. At least I have some peace of mind now. Hopefully he will start feeling better soon.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Fun

Today James took Aidan outside to play and let me take a nap. James is always doing nice things like that for me. Friday he surprised me with flowers on his way home from work. It is the simple things that he does for Aidan and I that mean the most. He is such a great father and husband. I am truly blessed to have him in my life. He said that Aidan had the best time playing outside on his slide and in the leaves. It was such a beautiful day and we try and take advantage of those days because Aidan loves being outside. Here are a few pictures of Aidan playing today. I think James took close to 50. He's not proud or anything.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


My parents watched Aidan tonight while James and I went Christmas shopping. We had big plans to go to Tulsa, but we got in the car and decided we were both way too tired. So, we went to the great town of Muskogee to shop. What a disappointing adventure, we found nothing that we needed. I guess we'll go to Tulsa this weekend. The point to this story is that when we dropped Aidan off at my parents it was dinner time. My Dad was putting him in the high chair while my Mom was fixing him some ravioli. All of the sudden Aidan looked at my Dad and went "stop!" We all looked at each other and started laughing because it was just so out of the blue. I guess he has heard the word stop so much lately for bothering the Christmas tree and decided to see if it would work on Papa. It is true what they say, kids pick up on things so quickly. I found this quote and thought it was very fitting for the whole situation.

~Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they have never failed to imitate them.~ James Baldwin

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pajama Party

Last night we had a pajama party at the school for parents as teachers. We decorated Christmas cookies and made ornaments. Aidan had a great time as he always does at the school. He loves to play with the kitchen and push the shopping cart around. He also loved the cookies. Here are a few pictures of him at the party.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Little Climber

Aidan has been climbing on things for awhile now, and absolutely loves it. He climbs up the first step of the stairs and peeks at me over the gate. He gets so excited when I play peek a boo with him through the stair case. He also loves to climb in our refrigerator. Maybe one day he will actually clean it out while he's in there.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

We finally got around to putting our Christmas tree up this weekend. We usually put it up over Thanksgiving, but we have been very busy so it is just now getting done. We had a feeling that we were going to have a hard time keeping Aidan out of it because he is constantly bothering my parent's tree. Our suspicions were true. He loves it and can't stay out of it. He will look at us like he knows he isn't supposed to do it, but he just can't help himself. It's kind of cute even though it drives us crazy. I just keep telling myself in 5 years I'm going to wish he was still pulling ornaments off of the tree. James and I have tried to stop wanting him to grow out of his different stages because we know that he will be grown up before we know it. We try and take each day as it comes and enjoy every minute with him, tearing down the Christmas tree and all.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Christmas Parade That Went Awry

Last night we rode in the Christmas parade for Parents as Teachers. It was very cold and I knew better than to take Aidan with us. He was tired before we ever left the house. He didn't get his full nap in. I just thought that all of the other kids were coming and he would have a great time. We lined up to start and he didn't last 10 minutes. He looked so pitiful. He had snot running down his face and he was crying his eyes out. I wish I would have taken a picture. The only pictures I took were before the Christmas parade started. James took him home. I called to check on him, and he was still screaming. James said he screamed the whole way home, and for about 15 minutes after they got home. If you know Aidan, you know that is totally out of character for him. I don't think I have ever heard him cry for longer than 5 minutes his whole life. Then, he crashed for his second nap of the day. After taking such a late nap he was up until 1:00 am. I guess we know now that he hates the cold. I felt like a terrible mother. Oh well, another lesson learned.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Little OU and a Slumber Party at Papa's

My family came over to watch the OU vs. OSU game on Saturday, and I must say Boomer Sooner!!! We had the best time. Is there anything better than watching OU lay it on OSU or Texas. Aidan played with my niece Ashton while we watched the game. When my parents got ready to leave my Mom mentioned Aidan going with them to stay the night. Once they started saying something about him going with them it was all over. He was ready to go. I tried to take him away from my Dad and he wouldn't come to me. He loves my Dad, and my Mom too. It just seems like he is really, really attached to my Dad. I think he would live with them if I would let him. It was nice to have the night off. The night before he didn't have a good night. He woke up at 3:00 ready to play. So the break was really nice. Don't get me wrong we missed him and we were so ready for him to come back home. So, thanks Mom and Dad for letting Aidan stay the night. He had a great time.

Aidan has Discovered the Fork

Aidan has been feeding himself with his fingers for a long time now, but he has now discovered the fork. When James and I would be eating he would throw a fit to use our fork. So I thought if he's interested why not let him try. He is a very independent, strong willed child. Once he gets his mind set on something he is going to do it. I don't know where he could get that from. As you can see from the picture he had the best time. We would cheer for him when he would get a bite in his mouth. One time we forgot to cheer so he clapped for himself. He is so funny. I did learn something new from this experience. Either strip him, or put a bib on him. I think I used half a bottle of Shout trying to get those stains out, but it just didn't work. Oh well, a little stain never hurt anyone.

The New Noblitt Family Member

When Aidan woke from his nap he found a new visitor at our house. James and I had been cleaning out the garage and I brought my Nutcracker in for Christmas. Aidan walked right over to it and said, "hi." James and I just cracked up. I told him to go love it. So he went over and gave it a hug. I didn't think he was ever going to stop hugging it. He was so cute. Aidan loves to give hugs. Sometimes I will be laying in the floor while he is playing and he will just walk up and give me a hug. So sweet. It is the simple things in life that bring you so much joy.


Aidan playing at Thanksgiving.

Aidan was pooped out after playing hard at Grandma Rosa's

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We started off at James' family. The food was great and Aidan had a fun time playing with his cousin Bodie. We came home and let Aidan take a nap. He slept for 3 hours. He must have eaten way too much turkey. James and I cleaned out the garage, and when Aidan woke up we went for Thanksgiving round #2 at my family. We found it in us to stuff ourselves again. We were really surprised Aidan ate broccoli and cheese casserole. He usually won't eat it. His favorite was my Mom's pumpkin cake. I must say he has a sweet tooth like his Mommy. He ate a whole piece by himself. After we ate we came home and layed around the house. James and I watched the Texas vs. Texas A&M game while Aidan played in the floor. We had a great Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for: Aidan, family, friends, our health, home, vehicles, jobs, god's forgiveness, church, freedom, I could go on and on. Here lately when I'm having a bad day I just try to stop and count my blessings. It usually always puts things into perspective for me, and my day usually turns around.

Leaves, Leaves, and more Leaves

We have tons of leaves in our yard that need to be raked, but in the meantime Aidan loves to play in them. He loves being outside. I think he would live out there if I would let him. He will walk around in the leaves and squeal with excitement. I must say he is truly one of the happiest babies I have ever been around. I know I am bias, but other people have said the same thing. James and I always joke that we wish we were half as happy as Aidan. Anyway, here are some pictures of Aidan playing in the leaves. Happy Fall, it is almost over!!!

Aidan or should I say "Grace"

James and I went to Tulsa Christmas shopping. We went into Sams to grab a few things and Aidan was sick of being in the shopping cart. So I got the bright idea of letting him out to walk around. Not 5 seconds after I let him out of the cart he falls face first into the concrete floor. James and I rush over to pick him up and we don't see anything, and then the blood started pouring out of his mouth. We had to open up the wipes we were buying to clean up the mess. It bled for maybe a minute and then stopped. He screamed for about 30 seconds and then he was done. He was already looking to see what he could get into next. His lip swelled pretty big, but the next morning it was back to normal. I'm pretty sure he is going to cause me to have a heart attack by the age of 30. I think he gets his accident proneness from his father. We have already made two trips to the ER and he is not even 2. Hopefully he will not try to keep up with his Dad in the ER department. I've heard James had frequent flyer miles to the ER when he was little. So say a little prayer for us tonight as you go to bed. We have had our fair share of accidents for awhile.

Blogging Adventure

I started a blog about 6 months ago and stopped. So this time I am really going to try and stick with it. I am excited because a lot of my friends have one, and I love reading their fun stories. I also think it will be neat for Aidan to have as he gets older. So here it goes. I am now a blogger.