Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Papa's Tractor

Aidan is in love with his Papa's tractor, and his Papa of course. My Dad let him sit on the little tractor the other day and he absolutely loved it. So we got brave and I put him on the big tractor with my Dad and he wasn't a bit scared. My Dad even took him for a very short ride. Hopefully he will still love tractors this much when he is old enough to mow. Ha!

Aidan's First "Shiner"

So Friday night we had played our nightly game of musical beds and Aidan ended up in ours. Aidan was in between James and I like always, I thought. All of a sudden I here a big thud and not long after that the screaming began. I guess he crawled over James and fell off. We're really not sure what happened. The next morning he had several bruises on his head and under his eye. I couldn't pass up taking pictures of his first black eye. He looked so pitiful. The good news is that his eye is almost completely back to normal.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter '09

Easter was great this year even though it rained. We had our family over to our house and we had great time visiting and eating way too much. Since it rained Aidan hunted eggs early. He hunted once at Parents as Teachers and then again at our church. He had lots of fun both times. I had a headache the day of the church hunt so James took him. The Easter Bunny was there and James said Aidan wasn't too fond of him. Oh how times change. Last year Aidan loved him. We didn't even bother taking him to get his picture taken at the mall. We decided we would forgo the torture this year. I forgot to take a picture of his Easter basket while it was still put together, but he got lots of fun stuff. I think his favorite was his monkey book and his Thomas the Train. Hopefully next year he will love the Easter Bunny again.

Hunting eggs at the OPAT Easter Egg Hunt!

One dirty little boy after too many cupcakes!

Church Easter Egg Hunt

Aidan and Mason

Which one should I pick?

Sunny Days

We took Aidan to see Elmo's Green Thumb two Saturdays ago. He had such a good time and was glued to his seat for about the first hour. After that his little attention span was gone. I think he would've been fine if they wouldn't have taken such a long intermission. We ended up leaving about 15 minutes early. James and I even had a good time. I'm sure we will be going back in the future to see more Elmo.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

15 Weeks Drs. Visit

So today I decided I would start posting about my doctor's visits. I know no one else probably cares about them, but I thought it would be a great way to keep track of all of the info. because one day maybe the baby might want to know. I am terrible at baby books and I didn't right down anything from Aidan's pre-natal visits. I am trying to be better. Aidan and James went with me to the doctor today. I measured right at 15 weeks and the babies' heartbeat was 154 bpm. James was so excited to hear it and Aidan was too. Aidan started bouncing his hands up and down keeping rhythm with it. The nurse asked him what the noise was and he just smiled. I can't wait for Aidan to meet his new sibling. I'm sure they will have so much fun together. Dr. Cole said that he will probably schedule my ultrasound for around 20 weeks. I can't wait to see our baby again. We are not sure if we are going to find out the gender. James wants too, but I kind of want a surprise. We honestly don't care what it is. We just want a healthy, happy baby!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Monkeys Have To Eat Too!

We had Charlie's for lunch today and I fixed Aidan's plate and put it at the table like always. I didn't realize we would be having a visitor for lunch. I guess while I was in the kitchen Aidan decided George was hungry too. I looked over and Aidan was feeding George mashed potatoes and gravy. It was so cute and it made me tear up a little which it doesn't take a lot these days. He is just growing up way too fast. So I had to take a few pictures of Aidan and his dinner guest. Needless to say George is going to have to take a bath, but I won't mention that to Aidan or I'm sure he really will end up in the bathtub.

Pictures From the Week

Here are a few pictures from this week. It seemed like it was a very busy week. Not my favorite kind, but we still had a lot of fun.

Aidan after his bath. He was actually running from me because he wasn't ready to get dressed.

Bodie giving Aidan a kiss at Harlie's birthday party.

Aidan playing with cars at the birthday party. He acted so nice at the party. We were so proud of him!

Aidan running with the soccer ball that he just stole from his cousin Jolee. She was not a happy camper.

Once again Aidan trying to take something that doesn't belong to him. Isn't he a stinker.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleepy Mom

Today Aidan and I were laying on the couch watching TV and I'm a little embarrassed to be writing this but I fell asleep. There is something about pregnancy that completely wears me out. I honestly don't know how I could've been tired because I had just woke up an hour ago. Once I woke up I panicked because I didn't see Aidan. I looked over and he was in his recliner watching Family Feud and clapping for the teams. It was so cute and I was so relieved that I didn't wake up to him climbing on the table, prowling through the house, playing with the printer or keyboard, need I go on. Our house is pretty baby proofed and we have gates everywhere so I knew that he coudln't have gotten into too much. I know I wasn't asleep for more than about 2 minutes and I can honestly say I have only done that one other time when he was a newborn. It didn't really matter then because he slept all the time anyway. I felt like a terrible mother but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I guess I'm going to have to stop laying down and watching TV with him. I'm sure I'm not the first mother who has gone to sleep while their child was awake. Am I?????