Friday, September 4, 2009

36 Weeks

I can't believe that I'm almost considered full term. We are so thankful, and feel so blessed to have had such a healthy pregnancy. My 36 week check up was great. I measured 37 weeks, and Parker's heart rate was 140 bmp. Oh, and did I mention that I gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks. How does that happen? I promise I don't eat that much. Maybe Parker hit a growth spurt. That sounds good to me! Oh well, it hopefully will come off fast when I breast feed. I lost all of my baby weight with Aidan in 3 months due to breast feeding. It's the best diet I've ever been on. You eat pretty much normal and lose tons, and tons of weight. Plus, it's great for your baby! In 24 days we get to meet Parker. I guess I better get busy, and quit blogging. If I could just get up off of the couch!

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