Sunday, November 15, 2009

Curious George and His Banana

This Halloween I decided that it would be cute for Aidan to be Curious George, and Parker could be his little banana. Well part of my plan worked. Parker loved being a banana, but Aidan wasn't too fond of wearing his George costume. He loves George, but did not like wearing his costume at all. So I was a little disappointed with the pictures of Halloween this year, but I got a few! We did have a very fun Halloween. First, we went to trunk or treat at the church, and then went to a friend's house for a party and more trick or treating. Great food, great fellowship, and Aidan had a great time. What more can you ask for?
The only picture I got with his hood up! Isn't he a cute George?

My sweet little banana! I could just bite those fat little cheeks!

Mama Margie and her little banana!

Parker was really into trick or treating this year. Can't you tell?

Aidan trick or treating at sweet Mary Burton's trunk! I love that lady! She was like my grandma growing up.

Aunt Sandra and Aidan trick or treating. Poor Aunt Sandra had to carry Aidan most of the way because I was still unable to lift him, and James was with Parker. She didn't complain at all, but just informed me next year to bring my wagon. Ha! She is the best aunt ever, and I truly mean that. She loves my boys so much! Thank you, Aunt Sandra for everything you do for our family!

The back of Aidan's costume.

Papa and his boys! I'm pretty sure that Parker has already stolen his papa's heart just like his big brother! I'm so glad they have such a great Papa! We only wish James' dad was here to share these special moments with us!

Aidan loved this toy! It kept him entertained most of the night!


green6 said...

Your boys were so cute...that was a great idea of curious george and his banana. Jackson wouldn't wear a hooded costume either. I had bought a scooby doo outfit, but he wanted no part of that hood. INstead i pulled something out of the closet and he loved it!

Looks like you all had a great Halloween!

Lindsay said...

Very cute! Kade wore that same monkey costume last year! I loved that costume! Love the banana costume too!!