Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2 Month Checkup

So we went for Parker's two month visit and he is doing wonderful! He is growing like a weed, literally! He weighs 15.7 pounds and is almost 24 inches long. That is above 95% in weight and 75% in height. He's a big boy, and a great eater. Dr. Cole said he was doing great, and to keep doing what we are doing! He also rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back at the doctor's office. I think he was showing out because he hasn't done it since. After the checkup he had to get shots, and that was terrible! I hate holding his arms when they do that. It just makes me feel awful! I know I am doing what is best for him, but it is still hard! We are very thankful that he is doing so well, and go back in two months for his 4 month visit.

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