Answer: Albuterol Breathing Treatments. At first they didn't seem to bother him, but here lately he has been acting like one wound for sound little boy after he has had one. I was working on school stuff last night in the living room and all of a sudden I here this really loud bang coming from our bedroom. I walk in and Aidan is taking a running start towards our door and banging into it with his hands. James said he was having such a good time that he didn't want to make him stop. Every time he would hit he would just cackle at himself. Oh, and yesterday he got upset with me over something and proceeded to hit, scratch, and kick at me. I'm not saying Aidan is an angel, but he has never acted like that before. Needless to say he got into big trouble. I know he needs the treatments to help his cough, but they are really starting to wear me out. It is like someone flips the light switch as soon as he takes one.
He is such a big boy and can hold it for himself. This is a big improvement over the first treatment we gave him.
Nothing better than being covered in Spaghettios and taking a breathing treatment.
Park City Utah
2 years ago