James and I went to Tulsa Christmas shopping. We went into Sams to grab a few things and Aidan was sick of being in the shopping cart. So I got the bright idea of letting him out to walk around. Not 5 seconds after I let him out of the cart he falls face first into the concrete floor. James and I rush over to pick him up and we don't see anything, and then the blood started pouring out of his mouth. We had to open up the wipes we were buying to clean up the mess. It bled for maybe a minute and then stopped. He screamed for about 30 seconds and then he was done. He was already looking to see what he could get into next. His lip swelled pretty big, but the next morning it was back to normal. I'm pretty sure he is going to cause me to have a heart attack by the age of 30. I think he gets his accident proneness from his father. We have already made two trips to the ER and he is not even 2. Hopefully he will not try to keep up with his Dad in the ER department. I've heard James had frequent flyer miles to the ER when he was little. So say a little prayer for us tonight as you go to bed. We have had our fair share of accidents for awhile.
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